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Make your money work hard for you by making the correct choice of savings and investments.

With the wide range of savings and investments in the market, it is hard to choose the right products which will meet your requirements. Therefore, you need someone who can help and advise you on the right product that will give returns and also meet your needs. An independent financial adviser (IFA) can really help you with choosing the right products.

For example, There are wide range of products in the market but how will you choose which product best suits your needs. Do you know there’s a difference between saving your money and investing it?

Savings in financial terms means putting your money away safely. You can access your money easily however; the interest rates are less as the risk in this kind of investments is less. Therefore, you initial investment is usually safe.

But when you decide to make an investment it means taking more risk on your cash, in the hope to get better returns than Savings over a period of time. It is important to understand that there is a risk involved in making investments as the value can go higher or lower based on the performance of the funds you have invested your money in. As these investments give better returns over a period of time, you may need to think about leaving your funds in the investment for a minimum period of five years or else there might be a risk of losing some of your initial investment.

When you plan to invest your money it is important you consider the level of risk you are ready to take. Low risk investments usually secures your initial investment however, the returns are low. A high risk investment usually means better returns but the risk is also higher.

A financial advisor can help you make this decision by discussing the other factors that you need to consider before making a decision on the products such as your income, financial commitments, age etc.

Never put all your eggs in onebasket in financial terms means never put all your money on one product or investment. You should make a strategy and balance your investments by putting your money in different products which are a mix of high risk and low risk investment.

A good financial Advisor is able to give you advice on new products as well as review your current Savings and Investment by checking if you can save any tax on your existing investments and If you can get a regular income from your existing investments as well as see it grow. He can also make you aware if the risks on your current investments have changed.

If after reading this information, you feel you need to know more about your Savings and Investments and need help in organizing your investments please contact our experienced financial advisors who will be able to advise you.


You can also get advice on how you can make tax efficient investments. As investments are risky and are different for different people, a financial advisor can give you the information about risk involved in the investments by evaluating your finances and give you the understanding of what outcome can expect.

What type of investment could you make?

Pensions, Equities, Unit Trust, Stocks and Shares, ISA’s, Investment bonds, OEICs, Various structured products and Property, , Offshore investments, , hedge funds, derivatives, active and passive investments … there are thousands of investment opportunities on the market, and each one has different features, benefits and risks involved.

Please contact our Financial Advisor to understand which product will suit your needs and give you the maximum benefit.

Questions you might like to ask an IFA…

  • Which products will suit you?
  • What is the level of risk involved in the product?
  • How long will your money be tied up for in this investment?
  • How are the options of accessing my funds if I need them?
  • How can I save tax on different savings and Investment?
  • What are the cost and charges involved in the investments?
  • How frequently will I need to review them?

And remember, because an Independent Financial Adviser can search the entire Insurance market, you can be certain you are getting the most suitable deal available as per your situation. 

Past performance is not an indication to future returns you may get back less than invested


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